S25: College + Young Adults

Whether you’re in college, working full time, a young professional, or trying to figure life out, we’re here for you! Our mission is to see college campuses, workplaces, and communities around Birmingham changed by the power of the gospel. Through corporate worship, Bible study, lifegroups, discipleship, and much more, we desire to help people know Jesus and make Him known. We invite you to become a part of our community! Follow us on Instagram to stay connected! @sub25gfbc

Thursday Nights | 7 PM | NOrth Campus

Thursday nights are some of our favorite nights! During the summer—June and July— we gather for a time to of Bible study and fellowship. We begin as a large group for a time of teaching, and then we split into smaller groups for discussion.

SUnday morning Lifegroup | 9:30 AM | NOrth Campus

Sunday morning is another opportunity for us to gather together, hear biblical truth, and discuss how this applies to our life. After our time of study, we attend the 10:50 AM service!

Sunday NIghts

On Sunday nights, we gather for fun activities like ultimate frisbee, volleyball, Barron’s baseball, kickball, etc. Be sure to follow @sub25gfbc on instagram to see when and where we’ll be each Sunday evening!